Originally published at: http://blog.2keto.com/recipe/sous-vide-chuck-roast-on-the-cheap/
Sous Vide is a cooking technique by which you vaccuum-seal food in a plastic bag and drop it into a water bath that is kept at a constant temperature for a length of time. Because the internal temperature of the food is never higher than the water temp, any interactions that happen above that temperature…
Sous Vide Chuck Roast on the Cheap
I did a grass-fed round roast this way, and we felt 48 hours may have been too much, the texture was almost mealy - super tender and super moist though. I think next time we’ll try 36 hours.
Have you tried sous vide venison? We were just given a roast, and I’m thinking of doing it this way, but any tips would be appreciated!
so I just put two chuck roasts into the Sous Vide, my first time using it. I see Amazing Food recommends 2 to 3 days. But, how will it be after 1 day?
Also, how much room is needed in the water bath? These two pieces total 5lbs.
You basically need enough room for the water to circulate completely around the meet. I’ve found it preferable if possible to stack vertically rather than horizontal. When the pieces are laying on top of each other it seems like there is more surface area not in contact with circulating water.
I’ve had real good results with chuck steak (thinner version of a chuck roast) in 8 hours. so I think 24 for a roast would do well.
Ok, took your advice and changed them to vertical. Thanks. Hopefully this turns out ok. If not, this wasn’t very expensive meat. We might try one after 24 hours and if not awesome leave the other in for another 24.
I predict it will be awesome. Are you going to sear it somehow?
I’ve found searing in a very hot, dry cast iron pan sprinkled liberally with salt and pepper works really well.
When I flip the meat I toss some butter in to melt and spoon it over the top of the meat as it finishes searing.

so … how was it? :drools:
I had 1 of the roasts after 24 hours… it was good. Pretty tender. I really didn’t have time to baste it, perhaps I made the pan too hot.
I am having the other one tonight after 3 days at 131… I expect it to be like butter. I will report back.
OMG… Just finished dinner. I never had such a tender delicious beef roast, like ever.
3 days at 131 deg’s is the bomb! I didn’t even really need the knife.
Holy crap, Sous Vide is a game changer - chuck steak literally as tender as filet mignon. 48 hours at 134° then drained, oiled, and finished on the grill.
Sous vide chuck roast and the smoker

Whoops! Didn’t know - heading over
It’s brand new, and we’re recruiting
This is one of my favorite sous vide recipes, and I have lots of favorites (it favourites if you like it spelled this way).
Old post but still sous viding like crazy and maybe new people are reading through this looking for tips. I agree Roxanne, 48 hours gave me a mealy texture I didn’t care for. Almost the texture of liver - very tender and still rare, but not a texture I cared for. I find 24 hours at 140° is about right. Wonderful way to increase the quality and flavor of lowly Chuck roast.